Monday, April 22, 2024

Shaklee Ambassador - Why is our Green Cleaning Challenge so important.

As I write this we are starting our "Clean up Green up Challenge" so why does it matter? 

  • Today is earth day
  • Many people don't realize the danger of exposure to common household products
  • Your body's defense system has enough to fight 
  • There is no regulation on cleaning products
  • Indoor air is 2+ times more polluted than outdoor air
  • Long term exposure to chemicals in our homes is harmful to our health.
  • Stats show common household cleaners give off harmful fumes
  • 1 in 12 school aged children have asthma
  • Many common cleaning product ingredients are toxic to our environment.
  • Even if you have never had any (known) issues with fumes or chemicals it could cause problems for you in the future if your body's defense system get compromised.

I feel one of the greatest benefits of our "Challenges" we host monthly is.... this is one way to get important information out to busy people. I say this because it's hosted inside a private facebook group and is shared in small snippets over several days. 

Participants only see it when they have time to check their facebook feed. No scheduling a meeting or zoom time. They plug in on their time and see what they have interest in.  

As a Shaklee Ambassador I encourage them participate with incentives for getting involved. For instance during the clean up event I encourage them to post images of what they have cleaned.

If you would like to check out the Green Cleaning Challenge go to  and join us. In this "Be Better" Facebook group we are hosting wellness challenges all the time and would love to include you.

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