Friday, December 27, 2024

Goals, Grace, Growth, Gratitude

 So here it is a couple of day's after Christmas and many folks are starting to think about what the new year will bring. I guess for some who traveled to see family.. they are probably either in travel mode or getting ready to travel home. In my day's of much more travel waiting on flights in airports was a great time to reflect on goals and my list for when got home. 

A few years ago I put myself into the habit of daily choosing joy. This came from the book called, "I choose Joy" and I still practice this daily habit. It really is an assignment to myself. It fills my cup and has changed my whole outlook on life. 

For the next 10 days or so this will be the focus in our Be Better wellness group. Really it's preparing us for the new year and achieving everything we set out to accomplish in this next year. 

If you are ready to discover more, be more, and truly content with where you are shoot me a message. 
The number I've used for many years.. gosh way back when "toll-free" was a thing. Long time. It's the same number with text message abilities too. 

Cindy McAsey

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Give Well - Shaklee Ambassador tips for stress free holiday season.

The holidays are coming––fun, family, food! But also the stress of finding the right gifts for everyone, right? We all want to give gifts that actually mean something and don’t just go to landfill. But how… with limited time?
The struggle is real, but it doesn’t have to be! We will be talking about how to experience more joy and less stress with gifting this year.